Power of Order

Hey U-nity,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“Power of Order”

Our ninth power is the Power of Order.  It is located just behind the naval and it collects information and distributes the information to our body and then tells us what to do with it based on our thoughts, words and actions.  Also, it is based on whether we are correctly using our power of Will or not. 

There is an order within us that starts with our thoughts (faith, what we are currently saying “Yes” to), that leads to our words (the Power of Power), and then tells us what actions to take in order to achieve what we are currently saying “Yes” to in our lives”.  We base all of this on how we want to feel.  It’s a bit complicated, huh?

Just remember, Divine Order is always at work.  You never need to pray for it.  It is just a matter of how you are working it by way of your thoughts, words and actions.  What are you thinking?  What are you calling forth?  (Are your thoughts aligning with your thoughts?) And, what actions are you taking in order to align with your thoughts?

Pay attention and live consciously.

In the Perfect Order of Our Beingness,
Rev. Shawn