Living From the Super-consciousness: What To Do When You Are Afraid

Hey Everybody,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“What To Do When You Are Afraid”

These are scary times for some people.  When I think about it, all times have been scary times for some people. I grew up in a house with frightened people.  I grew up in a neighborhood with frightened people.  Now I’m growing older in a world with frightened people.  

Fear isn’t necessary, although it does seem as if it’s the prudent thing to experience sometimes.  If I’m afraid, I can justify a lot of poor thinking and behaviors.

Today is a different day.  Today is the day to choose for God/Spirit/Joy/Love/Peace/Wisdom/Principle, etc… instead of a thought that I “should” be afraid.  At this point, most of the time I experience fear, it is because I have a story from my past that is informing my present and that story is no longer relevant to who I am today.  

I saw a mouse at my office the other day.  My first reaction was to jump in fear.  (As if the mouse had an intention to hurt me somehow.)  That is learned behavior.  The mouse quickly ran somewhere when it saw me and I haven’t seen evidence of it since (although I have put out peppermint packets to repel it.)  When I think about mice at this point, I remember it is a living being and while I don’t want mice in my vicinity, I also don’t want to forget who and what I am as if I’m not a God being when I see one. I have since had a talk with the space and informed it that mice and other rodents aren’t welcome here even though they are beloved beings of God.  I would hesitate to tell a human that they aren’t welcome in my space even though they are beloved beings of God so it makes sense to tell animals as well.

Some are afraid to leave their house for fear of what awaits them outside.  In our minds, there are so many dangers.  Some are afraid of God because of what they think of themselves.

I remind each of us right now, remembering the love of God is the solution.  Calling upon the Highest Voice within you for Wisdom is the answer to fear.  Asking yourself to remember that you are fully loved is kind and generous and will clear the mind of false information.  Please remember that it isn’t your past that will tell you the truth, it is the Presence of God that needs to be called upon to inform us at every moment.

 Let’s affirm together, “The Superconscious Mind is awake in me now!”

Here’s to the Highest,

Rev. Shawn