Living From the Super-consciousness: Do What You Need to Do to Feel Right About Yourself

Hey Everybody,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“Do What You Need to Do to Feel Right About Yourself”

Last week I was speaking with a mentor and he asked me if I felt right about myself when I do certain things.  When I abuse sugar, or if I lie or gossip or hurt myself or someone else in any way, I don’t feel right about myself.  When I go against what I know is right in my God-self, I don’t feel right about myself.

I do want to feel right about myself as opposed to feeling wrong about myself.  I can never feel right about myself if I do it with the intention of lessening someone else.  It’s one thing to compete in a game; it’s another thing to compete in life.  If one has to lose in order for me to win, I cannot feel right about myself.  If all players have played their best, then it was a great game and not a competition. 

I have learned that in order to feel right about myself, I must be willing that all beings succeed in what brings them joy.  I cannot play a game of lack or that only I and those I like can get ahead…and feel right about myself.

Now, what about cheating on myself?  If I have made a commitment to myself to live within a certain standard, be it weight loss or fasting from certain types of foods, a relationship commitment, kindness, prosperity/solvency, exercise, prayer/meditation, sobriety in any number of areas, or anything that I know I will feel right about myself, and if I betray that standard by thinking “no one will know,” “who cares?,” “I’ll do it tomorrow,” or to just live in guilt or shame for not living up to the standard, then I am cheating on myself.  There is no cause for guilt or shame here, but there is a great opportunity for self-awareness and motivation.

I wrote here a few weeks ago of my mentor’s daily prayer, “God, help me to not lie, cheat or steal today.”  My question is, what will we do while not lying, cheating or stealing?  So the follow up prayer is, “I give thanks that I am honest and in integrity.  I am aligned in my God-self.

The reason to commit to these standards isn’t that we’ll be perfect.  The reason is that we’ll stop blocking our God-consciousness we will do what we know to be right about ourselves. 

Let’s take this opportunity to fine-tune our thoughts, words and behaviors together and get right with ourselves. Let’s pray each day, “God, help me to not lie, cheat or steal today.  I give thanks that I am honest and in integrity.  I am aligned in my God-self. 

Start your day this way and I’ll start my day this way and please write to me and let me know what revelations come about and what shifts for you.   Thank you.

 Let’s affirm together, “The Superconscious Mind is awake in me now!”

Grateful That We are Praying together,
Rev. Shawn