Living From the Super-consciousness “Spirituality-It’s a Process”

Hey U-nity,

Living From the Super-consciousness
“Spirituality-It’s a Process”


 Too many of us are telling ourselves to be guilty because we aren’t already “there.”  There is no “there” to get to. 


I spent days and weeks and years trying to get “there.”  All that ever did was tell me I wasn’t enough where I was.  Who or what wasn’t I enough for?  Clearly, God…and my mother. 


My spirituality evolved from “God in the sky” to “Good-Orderly-Direction” to “Love.”


God in the sky was extremely inefficient but it was the best I had for my youth and well into my twenties. “Good-Orderly-Direction” was a gift from someone in my early thirties.  “Good-Orderly-Direction” is logical and very practical in letting your spiritualty evolve, and I still use it. “Love” is a fantastic way to view your spirituality and allow it to be your Source.  Love just is and no matter how hard I try, I can’t make Love not be Love.  Love and God are synonymous, but often I need the word Love so I don’t go back to “God in the sky” who I am trying to get something from. 


In our ever evolving spirituality we discover more of our Oneness, and that we already have everything…even if we don’t already see it. 


I recommend that we never let ourselves be already “there” as far as Spirit goes.  Stay open to the journey and expect wonderful revelations. 


Here’s to Life,

Rev. Shawn