Living From the Super-consciousness “The Realization That We are All Spiritual Beings”

Hey Everybody,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“The Realization That We are All Spiritual Beings”

 Let’s affirm together, “The Superconscious Mind is awake in me now!”

Yesterday I saw a group of Unity ministers on Facebook making comments about a public figure.  Their comments really betrayed their intention for coming into ministry.  The things they were writing completely screams of separatism rather than unity of brothers and sisters in God.  What’s more, the things they were saying were childish and stupid and mean and so very self-important.  Some might say that was mean of me to say.  In fact, one person in this particular chat told me I was being mean.  I disagreed.  I said I was being accurate in my opinion.  And, I said that I wasn’t saying it behind his back but to his face…more or less.  Then I asked him to please delete his original post that inspired such division.

I went on to ask these ministers if they would ever tell a congregant “that they should shut the hell up!” Or if they would call a congregant who has difficulty speaking because of a history of stuttering “demented?”  Would you call a congregant who made a mistake and apologized for it “disgusting” or disgraceful?”  Or would you call them worse names (which I will not put in this message)?

Most of us would not walk up to someone we have never met and call them names because we heard gossip about them, but somehow so many of us feel free to dehumanize each other on social media.

Here is my thought, no one in an awakened Super consciousness would ever trash his or her fellow human.  When we do such things we take humanity away and everyone, including ourselves and those we think we love, become objects.  

We must wake up to the Reality that we are Spiritual Beings and we can’t change that no matter how hard we try.  I’m saying that all of us are Spiritual Beings and we must treat each other that way.  Don’t wait for the other Spiritual Beings to start before you or for them to catch up.  Keep praying and do what ought to be done by you.

Yea for each new beginning,
Rev. Shawn