Sunday Celebration Service

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Our Source of Good Is God Within.

Join us for our Celebration Service each Sunday at 10:30am

rev nancy napier

Dear Unity,

We live in a both/and world, even as we often respond in either/or ways. One of the paradoxes that can be confusing is that we experience ourselves as unique individuals, even as we are aspects of One Life living us as these individual moments in time. And, even as we experience ourselves as separate physical beings in a world of good and bad, everything we encounter, everything, is the Sacred in form.

Rev. Nancy Napier

Nancy J. Napier is a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist in private practice in New York City.  She is author of Recreating Your Self: Increasing Self-Esteem Through Imaging and Self-Hypnosis; Getting Through the Day: Strategies for Adults Hurt as Children; Sacred Practices for Conscious Living,  and co-author of Meditations & Rituals for Conscious Living.

She also has recordings of guided meditations on subjects including accessing your optimal future self, mindfulness, healing wounded child parts, and healing shame, to mention a few that may be downloaded from Amazon and iTunes.  She also has training videos for professionals which are approved for continuing education credits on Videos on Demand.

Nancy is a faculty member of the Somatic Experiencing Training Institute, and taught Somatic Experiencing(r), a trauma-resolution training for 12 years. Currently she offers webinars for professionals that include trauma-based interventions, spiritually-oriented interventions, explorations of optimal future self interventions, and more.


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