You Cannot Make Me Think That Way

Hey U-nity,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“You Cannot Make Me Think That Way”

You cannot make me think that way.  You cannot make me have a nice day or an awful day.  You’re not the boss of me.  You can’t make me love you or hate you (although you might interfere with whether or not I like you.)  Even that, is a choice I can make.  Everything is my choice to experience in whatever way I choose to experience it.  

I can’t make you think anything.  I can’t make you loved or unloved.  I can’t approve or disapprove of you.  I can’t make you less than you are.  I cannot not make you a god-being.

You and I are loved with an everlasting love.  You and I are blessed with the ability to choose what we think and feel.  You and I are blessed.  We can choose to think we aren’t but that doesn’t make it not true.

I Think I Love You,
Rev. Shawn