What Would I Think If I Believed In God?

Hey Everybody,
"What Would I Think If I Believed In God?"

That’s a provocative question.  At least I think it is.  I know many who would say, “Of course I believe in God.”  The unspoken follow-up to that statement is, “Of course there are exceptions to it.”

What are the exceptions to placing your full confidence in God?  What are your exceptions?  •    When there’s not enough money?

  •    When you get a poor health diagnosis?    When you don’t feel happy?
  •    When someone doesn’t treat you well?
  •    When you’re tired?
  •    When someone cuts you off on the highway?  Or perhaps when you get into your car?
  •    When _________________?

What would I think if I believed in the full Power of God?

What would I think if I believed in the full Presence of God?

What would I think if I believed in the full Wisdom and Love of God?

Imagine your thoughts and feelings if you were to surrender your thinking over to your highest-self.  What do you see yourself thinking in this moment or those moments?

How do you feel when you imagine that?

What would I think if I really believed in God?

Grateful to share these questions with you,

Rev. Shawn