Take What You Have and Look Within For What to Do With It

Hey Everybody,
“Take What You Have and Look Within For What to Do With It”

What do you have?  Don’t tell me what it means but look at what you have.  If I looked at my life right now, I am employed and work independently.  I am in a relationship.  I have a home.  I have a body that medically is overweight.  I am sitting at my computer writing this.  That means I have a computer and a chair and a body to sit in that chair.  I have cats.  I have a lot of stuff.  I drove here in a car and I walk along the sidewalk when I got out of the car.  I have feet and I have shoes.  I drove through weather to get here.  

You’ll notice that I didn’t describe any of it.  It’s a relief actually.  When I don’t burden myself with opinions about that stuff I’m not trying to keep it or manipulating not to lose it.
What I need to keep doing is going within and asking the Highest Voice within me to tell me what to think about everything.  That way, I can’t be wrong about what I have and I am free to use it as guided.  I trust the Voice within me.  It has never guided me away from the Good that I know to be true and it sets others free from my opinions as well.  The Voice within never tells me to hate, it only guides me in Love.

So look at what you have, don’t tell yourself what you think about it, and look within and ask what to think about it.  Let me know how it works for you.

Happy Easter In the Rising Up of Your Practice,

Rev. Shawn