Rental Space






Sanctuary  25' x 45'

First Hour:          $75

Additional Hours:   $65

A comfortable space with windows, mirrors and a piano that seats up to 75 people.  The room has carpeted floors and comfortable upholstered, flexible seating.  There is an elevated platform in the front which is perfect for panel discussions, workshops, speakers, concerts, yoga groups, fitness classes, drum circles or even showing a movie.

Should you require the use of stage lights and or the sound system with microphones, there will be an additional fee for the use of our sound person. $25/hr.



Our ClassroomClassroom  19' x 22'

First Hour:          $30

Additional Hours:   $25

The classroom will accommodate up to 40 people seated theater style. A large table supports art projects or discussions.  The space is great for choir rehearsals, a small workshop, etc.  




Our ChapelChapel         11' x 20'

First Hour:          $25

Additional Hours:   $20

Located off the sanctuary, the chapel is a space perfect for smaller groups.  It has a sofa, love seat and some upholstered chairs for an intimate environment.  This is a great space for therapists to meet with clients, book clubs or any other event requiring a space like this.




Contact Information
For information about the space and reservations, please contact:

Krista Erickson
Office Hours: T, Th 8am - 4pm